Natalia Antuszewska
Pieczęć tłumacza

Sworn translator

of Russian language in Warsaw

Professional education and experience

I possess relevant professional education to perform profession of the sworn translator of Russian language. I passed successfully state exam on Russian sworn translator, organized by Polish Ministry of Justice.

I am a sworn translator of Russian language from the official list of sworn translators, lead by Polish Ministry of Justice.

I am a graduate of Warsaw University, Faculty of Economic science. I possess master degree of Economics with specialization in International Economics

The same time, I posses the Diploma of Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies in Translation and Interpreting at the Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILS), University of Warsaw, with specialization in Law and court translations – Russian language.

On the 5th of October 2013 I led a lecture with the title “VOCABULARY IN RUSSIAN INSURANCE CONTRACTS” for Russian translators group at workshop during XXVII seminar organized by TEPIS (The Polish Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators).


Natalia Antuszewska

tel. 603 22 60 22

Translation prices